You're Not The Boss Of Me!

Switching Off Stress and Recreating Safety in our System

Episode Summary

We overdevelop the circuits in our brains related to causing us stress, anxiety, and fear. Then, our bodies get addicted to it and we start loving the feeling of chaos. Living like this will soon break your body’s regulation, safety, and alignment. Today, I challenge you to permit yourself to take a break. When we are in chaos, our body is in a state of dysregulation where we are disconnected from our own body. So, today, I will share a safety sequence I learned from Nicola Jane Hobbs and common ways to regulate the nervous system. Once we know our nervous system and how it reacts to stress, we can gently train it to perceive threats and safety more accurately. Learn to regulate your nervous system to activate your safety system and switch off the stress! Listen now!

Episode Notes


Nicola Jane Hobbs is a feminist psychologist, and stress & rest researcher. You can find her at


You need a shift. You’re craving fun, working less and earning more, freedom to say YES to whatever you want, and uncovering what success means to you. Besides… you can see her, can’t you? That vision of the woman you’re on the brink of becoming? She’s a trailblazer, digs into her intuition, guides people exactly where they want to go, AND gets exceptional sleep every night! Her magic is magnetic, and she does it all with ease, flow and BOLDNESS. She is YOU! Welcome to You’re Not the Boss of Me! 

I’m Beth Graves, and I’m your connector and community builder in chief. I built a multi-million-dollar business by putting 100 sticky notes on the wall, and now it’s your turn! We’re here for a ton of fun, doing business, and life your way! And my mission is to make you feel empowered, included, and supported in bringing YOUR vision to life! So, give yourself permission to use the tools and strategies I’m offering you here and get ready to take your life and business to the next level.

Forget about glass ceilings, we’re laying new foundations! You’re here to make money your way while knowing you can trust yourself and feel safe in your body. It’s time to take radical personal responsibility, be inspired, take action, and stop being afraid. Yes, love! It’s all happening right here, right now, so grab your sticky notes and a pen- it’s time to ELEVATE! 

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