On today’s episode, we’re talking recruiting. Recruiting doesn’t have to be spammy, salesy, or slimy.
Look at it this way. If you found an amazing restaurant that served the best skinny margaritas and cauliflower tacos, wouldn’t you share it with your friend who would love them? The same goes for that perfect pair of shoes you found that you know your tennis partner would love.
Sharing an opportunity that you love and believe in isn’t a bad thing - you are serving your network by letting them in on it. When you shift your mindset and start believing this, everything will change for you.
So, today we’ll be talking about
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So I want you to realize that when we hear those messages of don't talk to family and friends, don't send those messages. We are going to attract qualified leads that want what you have, think about what that says to your brain. Now, remember your brain doesn't know true for me
Boss. And when we have targeted marketing, it is a pain point for all of us is having qualified leads. Welcome to you're not the boss of me. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I'm your host Beth graves. And I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let's get started. Hey, Hey, my friends. Welcome back to episode number 89. So get ready in this episode, I am going to
Tell you why being naive, not understanding the major pillars of my business allowed me to have success faster than someone who understands lead generation marketing and content. So do you want to know how being naive helped me to create success faster? That's what we're going to talk about in this podcast. All right. So here's the deal when we are inexperienced and we come into the space, like I was in 2014, I understood business. I understood how you keep clients happy from our insurance business. I understood great marketing and visibility, but I didn't know that I could apply it to my network marketing business. And so I started to think about how did I not think about lead generation? I was told, like, get your list of 100 and have conversations. And I know that we often say you don't need your list of 100, put that list away.
This is going to be about why that list of 100 has made me over $2 million in the industry and why I was willing to have conversations with my warm market, because I didn't know, like when we say, Oh, don't you need to attract new people. Your, I always say this inside of your phone and in your Facebook friends is a seven-figure earner. And I don't want you to be afraid to have a conversation with that future seven figure owner. But here's the difference when set, when you read an ad or when you are, when you are targeted, we are all targeted. Those ads pop up because they are speaking to our pain and frustration. So I'm really glad I didn't see those ads and that pain and frustration is, Oh my gosh, I don't have enough people to talk to. We're telling our brains that story.
I don't have enough people to talk to. I shouldn't be talking to anybody I already know because they don't want to feel like I'm selling to them. So I better go out and I better listen to podcasts like Beth's podcast and learn all about lead generation. Okay. So that is what emotionally, psychologically we do with copy. And I have shared that copy with you because I am all about how to make new connections, how to use value and serve. Like my mom said to me about the podcast, why do you have a podcast? I'm like, well, it's a way for me to have content to connect with network marketers. It's my way of serving. And I do have coaching program where if someone says, I want to take the next step with you, they will take the next step with me because they get a little glimpse behind the scenes.
So I do say things like, Hey, I can help you to generate new leads. And I want to share why I think that not having that marketing coming at me on Facebook when I first got started and me not having this mental block, that I should never talk to a family or friend member because it's bad. So I want you to realize that when we hear those messages of don't talk to family and friends, don't send those messages. We are going to attract qualified leads that want what you have, think about what that says to your brain. Now, remember your brain doesn't know true from false. And when we have targeted marketing, it is a pain point for all of us is having qualified leads. So I want to have you look at the people that you've love and you know, and I want you to think about it a little bit differently.
And this is why I was able to make more money than somebody that probably was looking at. I'm going to just attract people and take them from cold. Maybe opting in for a free challenge to someone who gets, has nurturing in my community or nurturing with my content, or maybe the email list to saying, Oh gosh, you're a network marketing person. Maybe I'll take a look at what you do. That is a long time. And there's a lot of percentages of closing rates. Does it work? I don't, I don't use opt-ins for my network marketing business, but even coaching clients, I always say, how did you find me? And it's usually a referral, or it's usually, Hey, I listened to an, a referral to me as I listened to Rob Sperry's podcast. And, and then I heard you and I found your podcast and I found your group.
And then I got to know you. So that process is, this podcast is building the know like, and trust. And you're like, Oh, I can relate to her. So I didn't have podcasts in the beginning. I did not actually even understand the stories that your brain can tell you. I think it was divine intervention because the number one thing that has to happen for you to grow such a successful business is absolute and total and complete belief. And what it is that you're building and what it is that you're doing. And I have, um, when I, a few episodes ago, we talked with Jen Nelson about her content strategy. When she talks about her product, she says like, I can't believe that anybody on this earth doesn't need to have this vitamin in their body to every single female that's over the age of 45 can have this skin, have this hair can feel as good as I feel.
And I am on a mission. And that belief in her voice until like, Oh my gosh, yes. Like she is not going to say, Oh, I'm not going to talk to my sister because I've already sold her something. So that almost that naive belief and that excitement and the foundation of belief that it was going to be me. And this is the biggest piece is visualization. Your brain does not know friends. Your brain does not know if it ha if it, if it is you imagining or if it's really happening. So what I would do is I would visualize the team I was building. I visualize the results of the product. I visualize each of the stairs. I was climbing up and it was very, very, very vivid. And it still is. It's vivid. It's clear. And then I started to say, wow, this, this really works when you visualize what you want the end result to be.
And then I didn't teach a lot about, I was, I was such a different person. I didn't under, I knew about keeping my vibration high because I was like, when I run six miles, I am in a good mood and good things happen for me. And when I, when I go to yoga class and I get quiet and I sit and I breathe, I feel like a different human being. So I understood that piece. And I also knew that I have you guys do, if you work with me or, you know me, I call it my magic eight ball. I'm very intuitive. I can usually I can connect dots for people, or I can really lean in if, if I'm, if I'm focused on that. So I knew I had great intuition and I didn't realize that I was using that in my business and that when I would sit and get still and breathe, that that intuition would actually would actually rise.
So the biggest piece was that I didn't have all of those marketing pieces being thrown at me that were telling me all of the ways I needed to attract leads all of the ways that I needed to show market and that it would be bad to actually pick up the phone and call my friend Julie and say, hello, hello. I'm on my way to your house because I need, I need to have a conversation with you. This is exciting. I had absolute positive belief that she was to be excited as me. Now I would have started listening to all the things like, Oh my gosh, while you have to tracked, and then you have to give some validation. I just used flat out excitement and enthusiasm to start having conversations. And then the next step was, I thought, well, she's not going to really listen to me because she knows me.
And she knows that I exaggerate. I'm a big exaggerator all for the girl. I'd be like, Oh my gosh. That's like, I'm five foot, eight and five foot six. Like when I wear heels, whatever my exaggeration is, but I love, I love exaggeration. And anyway, what was it that I was doing is I had no fear of having a conversation. I did not label the conversation as is this spammy, is this bad? Is this wrong? Is this right? Is this lead attraction? Is this my niche? Is this my avatar? All the things that we talk about, I want you to think about this. If you could just think, how am I transforming this person with this conversation? And all I could think was I've got my hands on something really, really exciting. And I want to share it with my friends, with my family, with people that I love.
And so I knew that because my exaggeration feature that Julie knew notes about everything. Like, I can't tell you how many times I'm like, this is it. This is the next best thing. And she'd be like, okay. Yes. Okay. Sure. So I wanted validation. So I didn't know. Oh, Hey, you should always give validation for testimonials three-way chats. I was like, okay, Hey, I'm going to call my friend. And I'm holding in my hand. What's going to help you with your knees. I knew her pain. I identified her pain and her frustration with having these that hurt. And I said, I'm going to, I'm going to call my friend. She lives in Montana. And she's going to tell you, what's in this little pack and she's gonna give you all the information. So you're ready to go tomorrow. And I picked up the phone and I called her and I had that three-way validation and I didn't make it hard.
I said, Oh, okay, let me give you, um, let me, let me give you a little website that you can check things out. And if it's cool with you, I'm going to check in with you. So you're really, if you're ready to start tonight. And I also am going to send you a little, uh, a little bit of information, maybe a few videos or something, but she's like, no, no, don't send me the video. So I started to go off track, right? I'm going to send you a video. I'm going to do this. She's like, and then here is the deal. I didn't even know that I was closing a sale. I said to her, wow. So did you hear when Elise said that it's like day 12, day 13? Cause you're, you know, you reset your gut. So I'm talking, we have a health and wellness product.
And I said, it just like, let's get your order placed so that you don't run out. Cause I know, I know from what I've, what I've experienced and from what my sister has experienced, I know that by day four, you're going to be at my house and I'm not sharing my threat. I'm not sharing because I've got to keep it all. I don't. And I was kind of joking around. She's like, yeah, let's do that. And then I walked through the simple order. So I identified like I'm not walking away with just a sample pack in her hand. And I closed that sale. And here's the next piece. When she started to have a story, I said, Hey, I've got to get that story shared. I have got six people that need to hear your story. And at the time we were doing free conference calls.
So I had her share her story. And I said to her invite, let's invite some people to listen in. So in a simple way, I built a business based on belief, simplicity, validation, and then the story. And that's really all that. It is. Nobody told me that I shouldn't be having this conversation. Nobody told me that while you, you can't like share with your family and friends, because they're going to think you're spammy. And nobody told like I didn't have, I wasn't being fed all of the things. I just knew. This here's something that I'm in that I love. And I want you to be a part of it with me. And I can't really explain it all. And you might not believe me, even if I could. So let me bring in three way validation and close the sale with it, understanding her pain and frustration.
And then the next step was getting that story so that other people could hear and learn. And she could see her business grow. That's as simple as it was, as simple as it was. And then here are the next steps for you to like, and then when she started on, she was actually someone that on day one, notice I said to her, we've had a decision to make here. We've got a decision. You can be a customer. Or how would you like to? And I would share a few things on the business model. Again, you know what, let me let's call back our friend and have her explain what it looks like to get started. And that is the insanely easy funnel. So here's what I want to say is like, well, if you might be having this thought of, I don't have a large warm market, my family and friends already said no to me, you are telling yourself that story.
I would say, Hey, I've got sisters that need to have this in their body. And I don't know when they'll say yes, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe in six months, but I can't wait to share the success stories and how I had my sister say, yes, she's a physician's assistant. She says yes to nothing. That is like, she's super skeptical. Is validation had her listen to somebody else's story. That was the biggest, the big key and said, what would happen if, what would happen if after 30 days you no longer were experiencing this discomfort or having these sleep issues. So I didn't even have a label for what it was I was doing. And so it natural because it's, I've got to share this with a friend. I need her to understand what it's all about. I need to paint the picture for her, of what could happen if, and then we're going to get that story and have her use the power of her network to grow my lead list.
Now that sounds super sophisticated. If I would've had, if I would have trained on that, okay, we're going to use Val. I knew, I knew I was to do three-way chat. I was told to do three-way chat. I haven't followed that direction because that's how I was brought in. I also knew that hearing somebody else's story was super powerful. And if I could get her to share her story, it wasn't just one-to-one. Then we had five of her friends on five of my friends on, and then we could go ahead and get them started as well. So the moral of the stories, this is, I had massive success in the beginning of my business, before I could identify what were those levers of my business. And now that we can identify those it's makes it even better. So I knew that I wanted to have warm market conversations.
If I had been targeted with Facebook ads or a lot of information about, Oh, you can effortlessly build lead generation for massive sales. I might have taken the easy road and said, Oh, Hey, I want to massively built. I want to have easy sales. It's much easier than driving over to Julie's house, but I didn't have time for that. I didn't have time for that. And so I'm not saying that lead generation strategies don't work because we generate leads all day long. But my lead generation strategy was, I already had generated the lead. So we go from generating a lead is finding somebody that you don't already know, or that you are kind of getting them to put up their head and reconnecting with. And then they become a prospect or somebody that is already in your, in your circle, in your community that you will create content for.
And my content was a conversation. This podcast is content conversation. The three-way chat, the closing of a sale. So I love to think about that vision that I had, the vision. I literally visualize Julie being so excited. I visualize us like having some like celebrating success and wins because I had been watching this on social media. And so I didn't overthink. So here's the moral of the story. Love, love, love what you do so much that you know, that you can, you can reconnect without being spammy and weird. You can reconnect with announcing, Hey, I'm partnered with a company that has hair products, and I am reaching out to you today because I absolutely positively know that this, this product will low your mind. Let me show you some results or whatever the conversation is. It's okay to use all the strategies that I talk about.
I talk about them, go into Facebook groups, make connections, share value, social media, content planning. That is who I am. And that is how I want you to continue to grow. But I do not want you to discount. And Robyn Benson said this today in our mastermind. And she said that she suddenly realized, why am I holding back on the more market when I have a product that they need, and I can make it super easy and effortless. And they are going to be so grateful that I reached out to them. So she said it today. I've been thinking about my blog and my, this and my that, and that was stopping me from the money making activities to grow my business. So I want you to really, really think about that is, are we avoiding growing our business and having conversations with people that are already generated leads.
Julie was a generated, lead all of us in our life. How did you? I was my mother. I was a generated lead when I was born. Does that make sense? So it's like really? How do you know that person? And how did you connect? So think about this. Yes, we're going to do all the social media marketing, and we're going to have all kinds of ways that we nurture and support our communities. But how about I give you a challenge to be like Robin this week and say, there are people that I'm not bugging. There are people that even if you have already reached out that I want to revisit and have this conversation because I have belief and excitement and vision for what will happen when she, or he says yes. And that my friends is how the business grew to multiple six figures in record time that is over and over and over again.
And my lead list, my list was growing so fast. You know why referrals? So when my friend Jodie said, Hey, what is it that you're doing? I'm watching you share these stories, sharing the wins, sharing the stories. Guess what all of a sudden, Jodi opens the doors to all of her people. And that is generating more and more leads with referrals from customers. Or if someone says yes to the business, growing that network and creating, creating more success because you've helped more people. And then they in turn help more people. So I want you to leave you with this is I want you to think about all of the ways that you are going to connect with those humans in your life that you love are those people in your life that have been a part of a part of you in some way, shape or form, and think what is the problem that I solve for this human?
Or how can I help this? How could I thought, how could I help Julie to have more in her life? And I could not wait to have that conversation. So visualize that piece of it. And the other thing is, is there's nothing quite as beautiful as building a legacy business with people that you love. And of course you, you meet people and they become like family that you didn't know before. And then there's people that you've, you may have known your whole life, or maybe you've known them for a season. And you're so excited for that reconnection. So have faith, have vision, have those conversations, get excited about the transformation, about the results, about how you will be someone who is a life shifter. Thank you. My friends for being with us today. And I would be so honored and grateful if you have not reviewed this podcast, if you would take time to review it, those of you that are, that have already reviewed it and are waiting for boss ads, we have boss hats on order, and I know who you are.
I know where you live and you will get your boss hat. So remember when you leave a review, I do a drawing for boss hats, but right now I haven't, I ordered a ton. So anybody that sends me send it to beth@bethholdengraves.com. If you've left a review, your address, even if you sent it to me in messenger, because I have to scroll through messenger because I did, I should've done a form or something. So if you've left a review for the podcast, Beth, at the golden graves.com, or you can just, I mean, you can send it to messenger if it's easier or DME, but I would love it by email. If you leave a review and you haven't done that yet again, thank you. And we are at, we are over 45,000 downloads. And the reason is because you all share with people, you care about, you send this podcast to people to say, I think this will really speak to you.
And I so appreciate that. And I not ever take it for granted that you have said, Hey, I've got 400 zillion podcasts, and I'm going to listen to this one today. So with that, I will see you next week. I want to give you one big announcement that I want you to come over to camp elevate. If you're in camp elevate and you're not active, keep your eyes on things because we have some big announcements coming your way. And the last thing I want to say is this is you were made to have everything that you can visualize, everything that you desire and you were made for more impact and you deserve it. So please, please, please start to use that imagination, see yourself at the next level, see yourself exactly where you want to be. And in two months and two years, and don't forget that you always want to bring that friend along with you because you know that you can
And transform that life. I'll see you next week. Thank you so much for hanging in with me today on the podcast. And remember you can create what you, if you're looking for a supportive sisterhood, I would love to see you over in our free Facebook group. As most of you know, I love camp. It's part of, you're not the boss to me because when we're building this thing, we're doing this thing. We need a supportive sisterhood and I also crave more fun and more connection. Join us at camp over in the Facebook world, that camp elevate group.com or just click on the link below. And we will see you around our campfire and help you to create what you crave.