You're Not The Boss Of Me!

04: You Can Sit With Us!

Episode Summary

In this episode, I’m about to share with you a guide on how to build your own community for whatever your purpose is, you need to start connecting with others, so stick around and find out the best way to build a master community for your business.

Episode Notes

In this episode, I’m about to share with you a guide on how to build your own community for whatever your purpose is, because if one thing is certain in this entrepreneurial life is that, you need to start connecting with others, so stick around and let’s find out how to do it together.

It doesn’t matter in what point of your life you hear this, it is always hard to reach out for others and open up to strangers. But, if you're looking for that magic shift or that supporting energy that makes you feel empowered to create something bigger than yourself, you are going to need a community that provides you not just support, but also other important things like feedback, courage, empathy and so much more.

Find out what happens when women start showing up for each other when you finally start feeling part of your own sisterhood and make that, part of your business plan.

Key points discussed:

Additional Resources:


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